Agricultural businesses and local products

Vis Naturae
Agricultural Company
Desaymonet Davide
« Vis Naturae »
Medicinal and aromatic herbs:
discover the traditions
Cultivation and sale of medicinal plants, essential oils, Génépi and natural products
A small corner to discover, with a laboratory and sales outlet, in the hamlet of Le Clou in the village of Jovençan, which preserves, unchanged, the authentic characteristics of the traditions and skills of yesteryear, linked to medicinal and officinal plants.

The agricultural company “Vis Naturae” was born in 2016 with the aim of promoting the medicinal and aromatic herbs sector, which represents a new reality in the Aosta Valley, rooted in this village which is “The Land of Ancient Remedies » natural.
The passion and desire to revive these traditions was born from the project of a young passionate farmer, Davide Désaymonet, who follows, in his work, a philosophy based on the valorization of uncultivated land, through agriculture without phytosanitary aids, and based on direct sales of products
Crops of genepi, saffron, lavender, mint, rosemary, sage, thyme, hyssop, juniper, rhubarb and camomile flourish in the valleys of the Gran Paradiso National Park and in the commune of Jovençan, to be transformed, through patient and painstaking work, and offered in all their authenticity.

David Désaymonet

Sale of officinal
and aromatic herbs
and plants

Famille Désaymonet
Davide Désaymonet
Tél. +39 3420737073
4 Hameau Le Clou,
11020 Jovençan, (AO)
Vallée d’Aoste